Post Request Using Fetch API for Simple Login Page

Jessica Lee
2 min readApr 7, 2021

Let’s say we finished building a layout for a login page with necessary functions and it is ready to send login data to the server and get a response for authentication and authorization. If the login information is correct, it can proceed to the main page, or it can alert a message that the login information needs to be checked again. I had the first time to work with a back-end classmate to realize this process.

<form className=”login-form”>
placeholder=”Phone number, username or email”
placeholder="Password" />
  1. Refer to the code above for the login form. Note we have this.handleIdInput and this.handlePwInput to onChange which set states for the values of id and password based on what a user enters.
  2. Once the two states are set, the user would click the Login button. This is where the this.clickLogin will be executed. Let’s see it in detail below:
clickLogin = (e) => {
fetch (“API Address", {
method: “POST”,
body: JSON.stringify({
email: this.state.idValue,
password: this.state.pwValue
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((result) => {
if(result.message === “SUCCESS”){
alert(“You are logged in.”);
} else {
alert(“Please check your login information.”);
  1. Firstly, I have e.preventDefault() to prevent refreshing the whole page every time the button is clicked, because I found that when we use input or button tags with a type like submit, it reloads the whole page once the event, click in this case, happens.
  2. Then, I wrote fetch() function that takes two parameters, the API address that you would get from the back-end side, and the object that has the method and body properties. We specify what method we are requesting (GET, POST, DELETE and so on) to the key method.
  3. for the body, we assign an object with keys that represent the information the server needs. The key names (email, password) are agreed on by both the front and back-end. The values to the keys are from the states that I set from the onChange functions mentioned in the first section. Note JSON.stringify() which means we are sending the information in a string form to the server.
  4. fetch() returns a promise. Here we need .then() and specify what to do with the response. json() takes the body text as JSON and returns a JavaScript object which can be an object, array, string and so on.
  5. The second .then() handles the result we have from the response. I added if statement to check if the message of result is ‘SUCCESS’, it returns “You are logged in.” and then go to the main page. Else, it returns an alert message to check the login information again.

