Vue JS: Listening to Key Events Using Computed Properties and V-model

Jessica Lee
2 min readNov 17, 2021

There are many times that you want to listen to key events, in my case the esc key events when closing modals, popups, etc. Listening to key events in a Vue instance may not work because the key events are dispatched from the body tag that the Vue cannot control, unless the element in Vue can be focused (Using tableIndex attribute may help here).

In my case as I am using Quasar framework and want to listen to the esc key events on a Quasar modal element, so I could not use the tableIndex trick to focus the element. By default, the modal element gets unmounted when the esc key is pressed.

My goal is to reset all the data related to the modal once the modal is closed either by clicking a close button or pressing the esc key. Basically, I want to make sure the closeModal function is executed when the esc key is pressed.

There should be other workarounds to achieve the result, but here’s what I did using computed properties in Vue. The good thing was that the Quasar modal element can use v-model attribute to bind the computed property.

Firstly, you have a boolean state that changes once the openModal or closeModal function is executed, for example, isModalOpen.

Then, using a computed property and its setter, we can execute closeModal function whenever the computedIsModalOpen changes to false. For example:

computed: {
computedIsModalOpen: {
get() {
return this.isModalOpen;
set(value) {
if (!value) {
} else {
this.isModalOpen = value;
...}methods: {
closeModal() {
const vm = this;
vm.isModalOpen = false;
vm.selectedStatus = false;
vm.modalItemInput = {};

Then, the key point is that the computedIsModalOpen is bound to the modal element by v-model. This makes that when its value changes, the setter gets executed and then the closeModal function.

When the modal is open again, isModalOpen will be changed to true, and so will computedIsModalOpen.


